Morin Gauged

Engage North fellow training organized by our director, Janelle Morin, was rigorous both mentally and physically (OK, maybe not). Between a firearms course, severed limbs, fire-roasted vegetables, and an intensive presentation, I have to remind myself: at least we weren't attacked by any bears.

When I first looked at the training schedule, I had a bit of a panic attack. We had sessions lined up for what seemed like every single minute of our next two weeks. Luckily, it turned out that Janelle had taken the courtesy to leave ample buffer time to give us quick productivity breaks. Truthfully, I could tell by the session names that I was going to learn a lot.
In the middle of in-class learning, there was also a one night camping trip planned out. This excited me - I LOVE being in the woods. All the photos in this entry are from the trip.
Altogether, I learned about being respectful while conducting field work, Inuit colonization, mental health, "How to be a Good Ally", firearm safety, first aid, and most importantly, the wonderful people that are a part of Engage North this summer.
I hope I'll be prepared to deal with everything that's going to come up this summer, but I know I won't be. There will surely be plenty of surprises, but that's what makes it all interesting, right?